Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Chasing My Tail

Greetings, Fellow Campers.

Chasing my tail, yes, that's a bit what I feel like at the moment. Chasing my tail as far as men are concerned, certainly. Remember my high hopes for the Young Man last weekend? Yes, me too. Well, YM arrived on Friday evening and started talking. Then he talked for awhile. After that he talked some more. He wanted to watch TV, but he kept talking throughout, about something totally unrelated. He wasn't really talking, actually, he was blathering. Every so often I'd try to interject a contribution to what was not actually a conversation so much as a monologue, and he'd talk right over me. Finally I suggested (extreeeeeeemely gently) that maybe he could draw breath occasionally and he was inordinately offended. Absurdly offended. In full dudgeon, he said if I didn't want to hear him talking he'd just go home. So I said, Well, okay. And he did. Yawn. Anyway, left me to watch telly and knit in peace for the weekend.

I'm also chasing my tail trying to get kajillions of things made to take to a craft fair in Towcester (pronounced Toaster), Beds (honest, that's the nickname for Bedfordshire) this Saturday. And I have to go spend this afternoon being the one and only Wise Man in a modern Christmas fable for a bunch of really elderly ladies. Should be fun.

Anyway, must dash off now, but just wanted to let you know I haven't fallen off the edge of the planet.

I hope you're all well and happy.

Nance xx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps he was nervous at the prospect of you jumping on him.

Please dont degrade yourself any further, get a life!

11:44 am  
Blogger Nance said...

Hi Jane,

What an odd and unfriendly comment! My suggestion to you would have to be that you get a nicer personality.

11:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that Nance, but, well, at least it gave you time and piece to knit over the weekend... Even if it isnt always what you want.
Good luck with the craft fair...

4:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the older generation used to say to me & my friends - if he's for you he won't go by you.
Definately not the right man for you - better luck next time!

6:21 pm  
Blogger Twelfthknit said...

Hey, Nance, some people just lack manners when they are a guest in one's blog!

cya soon, India

11:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nance,
I have always thought what a fantastic, spirited and interesting life you have, without wishing to sound like a toady.
He was obviously a crushing bore/boor/boar, so what a blessed relief to find out now, before you wasted good time on him,
Love Linda

9:49 am  
Blogger JulieLoves2Knit said...

I just stumbled on your blog - knitting and all...enjoyed reading it a lot.
I too am a new blogger - so maybe we can help each other figure these things out...knitting too!!

10:24 pm  

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